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foo 3 proof




solid writing
skilled art
historical bonus 5
total score 9
FOO #3
Artist's Proof Edition / 1980 / Bijou Publishing Empire
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crumb comics and stories
R. Crumb's Comics
It was actually pretty gutsy for the Crumb brothers to charge 15 cents for a copy of this comic fanzine in 1958, since a full-color Superman comic only cost a dime back then. But then, it cost the Crumbs almost 11 cents to print copies of FOO #2 and #3, so who can blame them for trying to eke out a 4-cent profit?

The reprints of all three FOO comics were published in one set by Jay Lynch and Bijou Publishing Empire. 800 numbered sets were produced, plus about a dozen "Artist's Proof" sets (both are viewable here).

Robert Crumb
Charles Crumb
foo 3 672
Edition #672
Same as Artist's Proof
edition except stamped
with a number.