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l.a. comics 2
spotty writing
exceptional art
historical bonus 2
total score 6
L.A. Comics #2
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Only Printing / March, 1974 / 36 pages / Los Angeles Comic Book Co.
Three years after publishing the debut issue of L.A. Comics, the second issue came out as L.A. Comics #2, the "Special Law Enforcement Issue." All of the work is credited to Icelandic Codpiece Comic Studios, which included the talents of Brian McBean, Christofer, Gervasio Loma, Jim Ferguson, Bob Taylor and Erroll McCarthy. No doubt, the second issue's artwork takes a step up from the first, but the writing tends to be a bit formulaic and sometimes falls flat.
Los Angeles Comic Book Company printed approximately 20,000 copies of this comic book. It has not been reprinted.


Icelandic Codpiece Comic Studios - 1-4, 11-15, 17, 20-24, 35 (ad)
Bob K. Taylor - 5-10
Gervasio Loma - 16
Jim Ferguson - 18-19
Brian McBean 25-32
Christopher - 33-34
Errol McCarthy - 36