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solid writing
exceptional art
historical bonus 2
total score 7
Sleazy Scandals of the Silver Screen
Back Cover
Back Cover
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1st Printing / August 1974 / 36 pages / Cartoonists Co-op Press
With the advent of underground comix and the eradication of restrictions on adult content (e.g., nudity), the first thing that came to mind for cartoonists wasn't "Hey, now we can finally show what really happened with those Hollywood scandals in the early 20th century!" But eventually, that idea rolled around and underground cartoonists tackled that very subject in Sleazy Scandals of the Silver Screen.

Alas, the Marilyn Monroe story promised on the cover is never delivered inside, but that doesn't prevent this digest-sized comic from delivering notorious scandals. From Fatty Arbuckle raping a drunken starlet who died three days later to Clara Bow's gangbanging with the USC football Trojans (including John Wayne!), Sleazy Scandals deftly mixes absolute truth with clever fiction. Some of the fictional parts were based on Kenneth Anger's Hollywood Babylon, a 1959 book that described many Hollywood scandals with details that historians would later dispute.

One of the strongest and most curious stories is that of Lupe Veléz, a Mexican actress who became a star on stage and screen after her debut in 1925 at the age of 17. In 1944 she became pregnant but her married lover refused to get a divorce, so she committed suicide. The story portrays her death based on Anger's questionable book (an account that is well disputed), but that doesn't make Jim Osborne's chronicle of her suicide any less compelling.

The weakness in Sleazy Scandals is the story about Liberace at the end of the book, which reveals no scandals whatsoever but simply the privileged life of a rich, eccentric celebrity. Nonetheless, Sleazy Scandals of the Silver Screen delivers some entertaining dope on Hollywood, even though the stories involve ancient celebrities nobody really cares about any more. And of course, the book can't hold a candle to the outrageous scandals reported about celebrities in the media today.
There are three known printings of this book. The 1st printing (unknown copies) is a digest-size book by Cartoonists Co-op Press with a 60-cent cover price. The 2nd printing (unknown copies, 1978) is a standard-size book by Kitchen Sink with a $1.00 cover price. The 3rd printing (unknown copies, 1989) is a standard-size book with a $2.50 cover price.

Jim Osborne (aka Lawrence La Fey) - 1, 11-17
Kim Deitch (aka Fowlton Means) - 21-30
Art Spiegelman (aka Al Flooglebuckle) - 3-10, 35, 36
Spain Rodriguez (aka C. Flippant) - 18-19
Bill Griffith - 20, 31-34
Sleazy Scandals 3rd
3rd Printing
$2.50 cover price.